The Complete Guide to Canceling a Timeshare in Florida

The Complete Guide to Canceling a Timeshare in Florida

Florida’s beautiful coastline, vibrant cities, and world-famous attractions like Disneyland have long made it a top choice for vacationers. As such, it’s no surprise that many people invest in timeshares here. But like all investments, sometimes they don’t pan out as planned. If you’re having second thoughts about Cancel your timeshare in Florida, this guide…

Investing in Consumer Defense Stocks

In a world where many people have become dissatisfied with the quality of service they receive, their purchasing power has diminished, and their bargaining ability has been weakened, consumer defense is more important than ever. Consumers can protect themselves by buying products and services from companies that have earned high marks for their quality, by…

Deceptive Sales Lawsuits

Deceptive sales can lead to serious injury for consumers and can result in lawsuits. In a civil suit, consumers may be awarded monetary damages as well as an order to cease using the offending language and promotions. Deceptive sales often involve promises of benefits that don’t materialize, false advertising or other misleading representations. Some examples…

What Is Credit Repair?

Credit repair is a process that helps consumers clean up negative items on their credit reports and raise their credit score. Often, this involves negotiating with credit bureaus and reporting companies to remove harmful marks such as bankruptcies, charge-offs and tax liens. Credit cards, auto loans and mortgages are the most common types of debt…

How to Cancel a Timeshare

Timeshares are often considered a great way to get access to vacation spots and expensive amenities, but many people find them to be more than they bargained for. They’re also a costly, frustrating commitment to a property that can be difficult to cancel if you no longer use it. Fortunately, there are several ways to…