Timeshare News – What’s Hot and What’s Not

Timeshare news is usually in the form of new releases from your favorite resorts, or the latest developments in the world of timeshare finance. It may also include updates from associations like the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) or the ARDA-ROC.

The top of the tree

As more and more people look to beat travel inflation by purchasing a lifetime of vacations up front, the industry has been subject to several major changes over the years. Some of these innovations have been more successful than others.

One of the most prominent of these is the growth in bundled offerings, or timeshares that come with more than just an annual maintenance fee. These are often called a “lifestyle product” and can include services such as golf, tennis, spas, restaurants, and more.

The latest timeshare gizmo

While these products are still in their early stages, it looks like they’re on their way to becoming the next big thing for the resort industry. This is good news for those who own a timeshare, as it means the company they’re buying from will be able to offer them something more than an annual maintenance fee.

Timeshare scams and flimsy marketing tactics

It’s no secret that the timeshare industry has gotten some bad press lately. With a global pandemic slowing down tourism and putting the brakes on some of the most popular vacation spots, some owners have had to consider if they really need a timeshare in the first place.

A more serious problem is the growing number of misleading timeshare exit companies that offer a service that sounds too good to be true. These firms offer a range of services, from free consultations to legal assistance for those who don’t have the time or inclination to do it themselves.

Thankfully, a new crop of organizations are stepping up to the plate to help protect consumers from timeshare gremlins. This includes TCA, the Timeshare Council of Australia, ARDA, and ARDA-ROC. These organisations are staffed by a dedicated team of experts who have been in the industry for years, and they have all had an eye on what’s happening in the market and what’s going to happen in the future.

Categories: Marketing