Strong Foundations for Consumer Defence

Throughout the years, protective legislation has gone hand in hand with evolution of the home economy, adapting to the challenges imposed by an increasingly complex market. Moreover, it has also been able to respond to crisis situations such as the recent global coronavirus pandemic, with provisions that are indirectly designed in favour of consumers.

In Peru, for instance, the consumer defence movement was born at the end of a dictatorial period and within the context of a new political charter that, in its final part, declared that “the State defends the interests of consumers.” The constitution’s wording thus provided the framework for the first regulation aimed at protecting consumer rights: Supreme Decree 036-83-JUS 1983.

Since then, the National Regulatory Authority for Consumer Protection (CPDC) has progressively strengthened the scope of its regulations. This was done by incorporating special rules regarding consumer sales and the use of abusive clauses, and by regulating the registration and solution of consumer complaints. It has also established a system of summary procedures for processing consumer disputes.

At the local level, the City of Portland’s Consumer Protection Law provides guidance for businesses and protects residents against unfair trade practices such as false advertising, phony sales or special offers with hidden conditions. The Law also prohibits debt collection activities that violate the City’s Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

The Texas Department of Agriculture’s strong consumer protection programs ensure that grocery store scales are accurate, raw eggs meet specific quality standards and planting seed is labeled truthfully. It also ensures that plant nurseries and greenhouses are inspected by qualified personnel and that pest control services are carried out safely.

A strong foundation for consumer defense starts with a well-educated workforce. To that end, TDA provides consumer education through training sessions and by partnering with the community to conduct outreach events.

TDA’s mission is to promote success, unity and prosperity for the people of Texas by providing a fair marketplace for Texas businesses. To this end, the agency promotes consumer education and research to improve the lives of consumers, ensuring that the economy is free of harmful practices and encouraging innovation in all sectors.

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