Investing in Consumer Defense Stocks

In a world where many people have become dissatisfied with the quality of service they receive, their purchasing power has diminished, and their bargaining ability has been weakened, consumer defense is more important than ever. Consumers can protect themselves by buying products and services from companies that have earned high marks for their quality, by…

Consumer Protection and Defence in Bucks County, Pennsylvania

The Consumer Defense department protects Bucks County residents from unlicensed businesses, scammers and individuals who engage in abusive business practices. It conducts mediation of consumer complaints, performs investigations and coordinates with other departments for possible criminal action. It also provides education to the community about how to spot and avoid scams. In addition, it monitors…

How to Cancel a Timeshare With a Trusted and Accredited Timeshare Cancellation Company

Timeshares are not for everyone and many people decide to cancel their timeshares due to various reasons. It’s a good idea to find a trustworthy and accredited company that specializes in timeshare cancellation options so you can avoid scams and get out of your contract safely. The best way to do this is to look…

The Dangers of Deceptive Sales

SACRAMENTO—The laws of this state and the federal courts have prohibited a broad range of activities that are generically called deceptive sales. False advertising and odometer tampering are just two of the many specific forms that this category of behavior takes. Deceptive sales can also include misleading pricing or savings claims, bait and switch tactics…

Consumer Defense

The purpose of consumer defense is to help people who have been harmed by deceptive trade practices, unfair business methods and other unfair practices by resolving their disputes through mediation, negotiation and the courts. Consumer defense attorneys are trained to use the law to protect consumers. They often specialize in a specific area of the…

Investing in Consumer Defense Stocks

In the marketplace, consumer defense is a broad concept that includes practices designed to protect consumers from fraudulent, deceptive and unconscionable conduct. These practices include the provision of accurate information and policing market participants for violations of the law. In this context, a range of consumer protection laws have been adopted and enforced to ensure…

How to Avoid Deceptive Sales in the Life Insurance Industry

Deceptive sales in the life insurance industry have long been an issue. Oftentimes, the mis-selling process can lead to financial losses for consumers. However, it is important to note that a company or agent that is licensed and legitimate can avoid these pitfalls. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) prohibits deceptive acts or practices in a…

Debt Relief Options – Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement, Bankruptcy and Credit Counseling

Debt relief is a way of reducing the amount that you owe. It can be applied to a variety of different types of debt, including credit cards, medical bills and loans. In some cases, debt relief can also be used to help you avoid filing for bankruptcy. Some of the most common debt relief options…